Emily M. DeArdo



Yarn Along No. 33

yarn alongEmily DeArdo4 Comments

So, here's how far I've gotten on the stockinette stitch washcloth: 

I know. Sorry! The knitting time sort of got away from me this week. But I have lots of movies queued up on my DVR and I'm hoping to get in some solid knitting time this week/weekend. I'm also trying to find a solid website for purling demonstrations. Anyone had any ideas/links? 

Reading hasn't changed much: still on Middlemarch, and I'm down to the last two books in my Pink Carnation series re-read.

They're good fun, if you've never read them. Really good summer reading (as summer winds down). I'm also hoping to pick up a copy of The Martian at the library today, because the movie looks really intriguing. 

Yarn Along No. 31

yarn alongEmily DeArdo1 Comment

Ta da! They're finished! The washcloths are off the needles and that project is done!

But now I need a new one? 

So, again, there are probably two projects on the horizon. One is another scarf for the VA project we're doing in Lay Dominicans. Another is conquering the purl stitch, which means.....

more washcloths. 

I'm sorry, folks. But really they are the easiest way to learn this. I don't want to start a scarf and then have to rip out tons of rows. One day, I promise, my YA entries will be epically awesome, with wonderful projects. I'm hoping by the end of the year to start a basketweave scarf with a wonderful yarn I have in my stash. But first, I gotta get the purl stitch down. 

So, a washcloth it is. I'll have the colors and such ip next week, I hope. Or maybe I'll make one super fast and we can move on from there with speed. :) 

As for books: Middlemarch and EmmaEmma I will be finishing quickly, because it's tomorrow's Jane Re-Read Entry Also Sky Burial, which is a nonfiction book about a Chinese woman who goes to Tibet in search of her husband, who is reported dead by the Chinese army--but she doesn't believe it. Thus far it's been an interesting look into Tibetan culture and an engrossing read. 

(And have you entered my giveaway yet? It runs until Friday!)