Well kind of summer? It’s rainy and 67 right now and it’ll be in the fifties tomorrow. So, summer! :) But I remember Memorial Day weekends when I was a kid where it was in the 50s but DAGNABBIT WE WERE GOING IN THE POOL. :-P So this isn’t too unusual!
From the blog this week:
COVID, antibodies, and transplant life. I wrote this post as a response to an op-ed in the New York Times, written by a kidney transplant recipient. Essentially: context was vastly missing.
Last Friday it was gloriously sunny and warm, and I had a B&N outing and lunch with one of my best friends from college, Liz.
Oh yes. Books were bought.
Liz and I met my freshman year—she was a junior. Liz basically changed the course of my life.
I had entered college as a Middle Childhood Education major. The problem was, after my classes started, I realized that I didn’t really want to be a teacher, because our classes weren’t about teaching. They were about writing culturally-sensitive word problems. And I was like, wait a second here, this isn’t what I thought I’d be learning about.
So I was sort of stuck. Enter Liz. Liz was one of the chairs of our college’s College Republican chapter, and my freshman year of college was also the year of the 2000 election. So there were lots of campaign activities, like door-to-doors and phone banks, and fun things, like campaign parties. But if we wanted to go to the parties, we had to do the grunt work, according to Liz. So, because of Liz, I did grunt work and went to the first debate watch party, which included the governor and other statewide office holders. I loved it.
That night I decided to change my major. And the rest is history. So thanks, Liz! :)
We hadn’t seen each other in almost a year and a half, so I was ecstatic to see her and talk books and all sorts of other things. We had a great time and I’m so glad that we can do things like that again!
So let’s talk about the books: Hamnet is amazing. If you like Shakespeare I highly suggest you read it. Knowing at least a little bit about Shakespeare’s life helps when you read this. It’s beautifully written and a book to savor. I haven’t started The Shadow of the Wind yet, but Liz recommended it so highly that I had to get it. :) I adored Project Hail Mary—I had read The Martian and I love Weir’s combination of space, science, and humor. Even if you don’t regularly read sci-fi, I think you’ll love this novel. And finally, Hidden Valley Road is the story of a family that had 12 children, six f whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia, and how this ties into research on the illness and how this family lead to important breakthroughs in treatment. It’s a lot like the book Under the Banner of Heaven.
Ave Maria Press is having a Memorial Day Sale!
You can pick up Living Memento Mori for 25% off and FREE SHIPPING! Use the code REMEMBER21 at checkout! If you haven’t gotten a copy yet, DO IT. :) And it also makes a great gift!
Here’s your weekly Patty—she’ll be eleven months old on Sunday!
Gosh I cannot wait to see her and snuggle the bejesus out of her. :)
Any plans for this weekend? Share in the comments!