Happy Fourth Friday of Easter!
This isn’t a resurrection painting; it’s Raphael’s “Transfiguration”, but it’s one of my favorites so I thought I’d share!
On the blog this week:
Yarn Along: Emily Knits a Cardigan Part two!
OK, so hospital. That was actually last week but I realized I didn’t write about it, so here we go.
My gallbladder was being stupid and it went on for awhile—like, five days of pain and not-niceness. So my doctor wanted me to go to the New Resort to get it all checked out. So, dad and I did. We needed Dad because he had to push me in a wheelchair. Yes, this was a ruse. I’m sorry. But they wouldn’t allow anyone else with me otherwise, and I needed dad to translate for me, so…..yes. I got to ride.
I just needed bloodwork and an ultrasound, but since this is the NEW RESORT (NR), I didn’t know where everything was, so Dad and I navigated it all right. The signs at NR SUCK. I’m sorry, but they do. We had to ask a few people. Again, thank goodness for dad, because everyone had masks on, so I would’ve been so confused. And also, with six feet, I can’t get close to hear what you’re saying, so that makes it even harder! Anyway!
We got blood, got the ultrasound, came home, and I slept for basically two days. Bliss, let me tell you. (Especially after a week of no sleep!)
The hospital was very quiet, and efficient. There were cordons everywhere so you had to ‘stay on the path’ and at every entrance there were stations where nurses took your temp and gave you a sticker saying you’d ‘passed’, and you got to move on.
The places where I went will soon become quite familiar to me, I felt like I should be introducing myself to these people, saying, “Hi, you’re gonna get to know me well.” I did not. But I did dress nicely! I mean in an outfit!
So that was my big Emily’s Day Out. Everything was fine—I have stones and “sludge”—yes, that is the technical word!—in my gallbladder but whatever. It’s not emergent. So it stays for now.
Good things about NR: Excellent parking.
Bad things: Signs. They suck. And there’s no paths, like at Current Resort. Where are my green paths and yellow paths and PURPLE PATHS, DANG IT. Where are my wayfinding animals?!
BOOK CLUB starts next week!
If you need a copy of the book, go here and select your retailer of choice!
The plan for the book club is that we’ll go through each chapter—one chapter a week. I’ll expound on some themes, answer your questions, and give you some behind the scenes goodies, if there are any that are applicable!
Also, if you have read the book, please leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads? Thank you!
Oh, and if you’re on Goodreads, add the book to your shelves also!!!! Thank you! :)
Let’s see what else….how about fun yarn?
Quince and Co. Crane in Aquilla
I just read A Circle of Quiet, one of Madeleine L’Engle’s journals, and I highly highly highly recommend. Go get it!