Emily M. DeArdo

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Maddie: Six months!

I CANNOT believe that Madeleine Grace is six months old! Holy moly!

We’re leading off with a picture of her in the Stanley Cup Champion Avalanche onesie that people at the grocery store dearly loved (as well as dearly loving her cuteness).

Here’s what she can do, what she likes, and what she dislikes, at six months!


Feed herself bottle pretty much independently 

Sit in high chairs/ shopping cart! (See above!)


Trying to crawl 

Brush teeth 

Look for objects when she drops them

Very vocal! Especially when she is not paid attention to

Sleeps with her pacifier and will grab it to self soothe, she likes chilling in her crib before we get her.


Baths and the baby pool! (Hoping to do “big kid” pool soon)


Sitting in the high chair 

Duke the Doggie—She laughs when she sees him and when he gives her kisses

Falling asleep to audiobooks.  She will turn her head toward Alexa when Mom hasn’t turned it on yet.

Tummy time.  She just loves to move!

Going to the park and watching all the bikers/ walkers. 

Playing with her feet

Going on a adventures 

The lotion song, or basically any song (Melanie has many, many songs for Maddie, they’re all adorable)

Playing with her feet 

Being outside 


When mommy is out of sight

When other people put her bed 

Sitting too long— she gets bored 

When people are talking but not to her (ha! This sounds a lot like when her mother was little :) )

When she is tired

When she drops her bottle / ball 

Staying still for diaper changes (Her Aunt Emily also struggled with this. :)

Photo Gallery


One month

two months

3 months

4 months

5 months!

Six months, cowgirl!