Emily M. DeArdo

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Wednesday Notebook #4


It’s Spy Wednesday. Tomorrow evening the Sacred Triduum starts, with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. This is followed by Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. And then, of course, EASTER.


Easy and Good Pot Roast, from Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Elementary Wrap—it’s still chugging along! I’m on the second ball of yarn now, so the project is 33% done. :)

Another loaf of whole wheat bread


(Lots of various things, I’m dipping in and out….)

Dragonfly in Amber

A Ring of Endless Light (Finished)

The Two Towers

Angle of Repose

The Dark Night of the Soul

Inside the Passion

Death on a Friday Afternoon

Watching (and will be Watching)

I always watch The Passion of the Christ on Good Friday.

Jesus of Nazareth is also excellent viewing.

The Shawshank Redemption

Opera: Les Pecheurs des Perles, Macbeth, Norma, Aida, La Fanciulla del West, Falstaff, Parsifal, Romeo and Juliette, Don Pasquale, Cosi Fan Tutti.

(Parsifal actually takes place partially on Good Friday and Easter….)

Links and Such and programming notes

It’s Lamb Time At Colonial Williamsburg!

Speaking of sheep—remember Ma’s Delaine dress in Little House in the Big Woods? Meet the delaine merino sheep! The wool is soft, fine, and wrinkle free, so wonder Ma liked it! A beautiful fabric that doesn’t wrinkle?!

The Long Lent and the History of Quarantine

NO seven quick takes this week since it’s Good Friday. On Monday, though, BIRTHDAY WRAP UP! :)

Also the ebook version of Living Memento Mori is on sale until 4/15 on the Ave Maria Press website.