Emily M. DeArdo

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Writing Updates--June 8, 2015

Writing updates from my desk pile @emily_m_deardo

  • The first installment of the Jane Re-Read is up on the blog. A new post will go up every other week throughout the summer. First was Sense and Sensibility, and next is Northanger Abbey. Come join us!
  • The Dominican Part of the Memoir is being written. The timeline is important here, and after this part is down I'll need to finesse how it works in the manuscript as a whole, but this is an important part that's been missing.
  • Remember the NaNo novel I abandoned last year? think I might have a new way into it, which excited me, but I need to play around with it. Right now it involves moving from a third person to first person narration, and possibly adding more points of view, instead of the limited third person I was going with before. But we'll see if that helps.
  • Coming up on the blog this week: travel tips and Sketchbook Skool!