Emily M. DeArdo


Once in a Lifetime: Jeopardy and Catholic 101 🎉

Jeopardy, travel, writing, Catholic 101Emily DeArdo1 Comment

Emily’s episode on Jeopardy in July 2016: Image displays Emily and the other contestants, Hans Huizing and Ellen Corrigan.

Jeopardy Experience: 9 Years Later

In October of 2015, Emily made her way to Boston, MA. This wasn’t just an opportunity to travel and see the New England area, but rather, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to audition to be on THE “Jeopardy” game show! Her father, Carmen, who accompanied her recalled Emily’s attitude and demeanor as “in her element” and that every experience she got to participate in was considered an adventure to be lived to the fullest.

Emily did in fact end up getting to compete on the show, for which we also have her episode in full that you can watch here.

Emily also wrote a series of blogs giving details of auditioning as well as her well documented site-seeing and food experience in Boston. If you’re headed to Boston or interested in going, you might want to pay special attention to what her favorite experiences were:

The Jeopardy experience

So if you have something you’ve always been felt led to do or something you want to take a chance on, we encourage you to face life like Emily did and go after it with excitement and courage! The Lord brought Emily into the world for a limited time that has expired, but we all have expiration dates here on earth that are meant to be spent living for Him and sharing His love in all we do. So start that hobby, try out for that thing you’ve been hesitant on, start that business because we need more courage in the world, especially these days.

Image of Emily’s book, Ctholics 101

Where to Buy Emily’s Book: Catholic 101

We also wanted to mention one of Emily’s older books, Catholic 101 and where to buy it for those that have been asking and those interested!

Gumroad has copies for $5! Just click “I want this!” and you should be led through the checkout process.

A short summary of the book:
Catholic 101 is 147 pages, divided into four sections (The Basics, The Liturgical Year, and Beliefs/Practices/Sacraments, prayers and resources), and comes with an appendix of basic prayers, a list of American Holy Days of Obligation, a list of resources, and an extensive bibliography. It's designed to be a go-to resource for all Catholics who want to know what the Church teaches, and what Catholics believe. 

Celebrations and Sweet Memories

family, travel, Scotland, CatholicismEmily DeArdoComment

Baptism of Jude Family Photo

Jude’s Baptism

Emily’s nephew, Jude, was baptized on September 14,2024 and it was a joyous event as shown in the picture (above).  The family was so excited for this day and Jude’s big sister, Maddie, was so engaged (and busy) that it was hard to keep both her shoes on her feet!  While Emily’s earthly presence was deeply missed, we know that she had a much better perch from her heaven and are certain she enjoyed it.

A Dream Come True

It’s also been a year since Emily’s trip to Scotland. It was the last trip she got to take before going home to the Lord, but it was such precious time for her as she well documented in her blogs last year (starting September 15, 2023). It was a blessing that she was able to experience this much anticipated trip, which included all the things she loved (churches, art, royal castles and food) as she wrote about in blog entries like this, which included a visit to the National Shrine of St. Andrew.

If you ever get the opportunity to visit Scotland then you might want to take a look back into Emily’s documentation of her adventures there last year to get some ideas. We also want to leave you with some restaurant recommendations Emily made that we hope you might visit and think of her while you’re enjoying your meal and scenery:

Howie’s Victoria Street

Ensign Ewart Pub on the Royal Mile

The Grand Cafe, Scotsman Hotel (afternoon tea and lunch)

Mowgli Edinburgh

Eteaket Tea Room

Cafe at the Palace (of Holyroodhouse)

Mimi’s Bakehouse (don’t take reservations but we popped in several times for drinks and snacks)

Ivy on the Square

Badger and Co.

The Scran and Scallie

Royal Deck Tearoom, Britannia (they don’t take reservations so if you want to eat there, head there first when you get on the yacht!)

To wrap this post up, whether you’re in a season of celebration, adventure, uncertainty or earthly suffering we want to leave you with encouragement. As has seemingly been a theme this year following Emily’s passing, we hope that you take each day a moment at a time and thank the Lord for all His blessings. We never know the time we have left or what season of life we’re moving into, but we should depend on Him for our every given moment.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
- Isaiah 41:10

Happy Feast of the Assumption

Emily DeArdoComment

The Assumption refers to the fact that Mary, being sinless at her conception and sinless her entire life, was assumed body and soul into heaven after her death. The idea of the Assumption has been around since the fourth century; the fact that no one has found, or ever noted, where Mary was buried, is another point in the doctrine's favor. If people knew that, there would definitely be a church there, and relics galore. But there's never been any evidence of the grave site. 

The dogmatic declaration of the Assumption only occurred in 1950,  so it's pretty "new" in that sense. But there is evidence that people believed in the Assumption, as I noted, in the early church. 

It's important to note here that Mary is not God.  Mary is very, very special. We do not worship Mary. To Catholics, worship is the Mass. The only person that Mass is offered to is...God. We don't say "Oh, Mary, accept our offering of bread and wine and change them into the body of your son" etc. etc. etc. 

Catholics have worship, but we also have reverence and devotion. We are devoted to Mary because she is the Mother of God. She was human, like us, and she lived through many difficult things: the death of her husband, the death of her son, fleeing her country because a crazy king wanted to kill her son, not to mention having to explain a miraculous conception to her husband. To Catholics, Mary is our mother, and we come to her like we would come to our moms here on Earth. 

Yes, our churches, more often than not, have statues of Mary, and pictures of her. She's one of the most common subjects in the history of art. Yes, we light candles before statues of her and statues of saints. But this isn't worship, to a Catholic. This is piety. This is prayer. We have pictures of her, and Jesus, and Joseph, and the saints, the same way people keep pictures of loved ones in their homes. We love them, and they're our examples and our helpers. When we ask for their prayers, we ask it the same way I would ask you blog readers to pray for me. Just because someone is dead doesn't mean they still don't exist

Mary is God's most brilliant creation. (Jesus doesn't count, because....he's GOD.) But she's also the humble, believing girl from Nazareth. And she loves us all, because we are brothers and sisters of her Son. So Catholics ask us to pray for her, and we honor her with hymns and paintings and feast days. But we don't worship her. She wouldn't want us to! Mary always, always points us to her Son. If we've forgotten about her Son, we're doing it wrong. But Jesus also wants us to remember his mother. It's a two-way thing. She wasn't just the body that bore him and took care of his physical needs. She was his Blessed Mother. 

The Fourth Commandment is "Honor thy father and mother." You can be sure that Jesus fulfilled this perfectly in His life. If we are to follow His example, then we are to honor His father and mother, as well. Being devoted to Mary doesn't mean being less devoted to Jesus. If anything, she brings us always closer to him. 

(This was taken from Em’s post in 2016).

Special Edition: Reflection from Aunt Mary 📝

memorial, writing, familyEmily DeArdoComment

The following is from a wonderful Daily Gospel Reflection (run by the University of Notre Dame) that Emily’s Aunt Mary wrote on July 24th. She loved Emily dearly and was greatly inspired by her journey (and continues to love her still even in parting for the rest of this earthly life). Be blessed by her reflection on faithfulness.

In addition, there is an archive for other Daily Gospel Reflections from former ND Alumni as well as daily reflections in audio form.


Mary Heilmann Becker ’87
ND Parent

My niece Emily DeArdo died at age 41 on New Year’s Eve 2023—a day she had long contemplated and prepared for.

“I’ve never doubted my faith,” Emily wrote. “But did I have courage? Did I trust Jesus? … That’s the slow-growing bloom of faith. Faith is the seed. But courage and trust? That’s the result of a lot of dark nights and lots of tears.”

Jesus asks us to have that bloom of faith in today’s gospel reading, and it was the essence of Emily. Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age 11 and given a projected life expectancy of 30 years, Emily could have had her faith snatched away by the birds of bitterness before it took root. Or, having survived this devastating diagnosis, Emily’s faith could have been scorched or choked by the medical trials she endured over the years—the near-fatal bout of tuberculosis, the double lung transplant, and the loss of her hearing.

But Emily proved to be rich soil that produced a fruitful, faithful life. She lived exuberantly, with courage and trust in God. She competed on “Jeopardy!” as the show’s first cochlear implant recipient, blazing a path for others to follow. She wrote the book Living Memento Mori: My Journey Through the Stations of the Cross, published by Ave Maria Press in 2019, explaining how her faith guided her through many challenges and offering inspiration to readers struggling with their own crosses.

“We wait for the second coming of Christ—we wait for our own resurrection,” Emily wrote. “And as we do this, we show the world that even when God appears silent, we will still love him. We will still follow him. We will still be faithful as we wait.”

Whoever has ears ought to hear.

Matthew 13:1-9
On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.
Such large crowds gathered around him
that he got into a boat and sat down,
and the whole crowd stood along the shore.
And he spoke to them at length in parables, saying:
“A sower went out to sow.
And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path,
and birds came and ate it up.
Some fell on rocky ground, where it had little soil.
It sprang up at once because the soil was not deep,
and when the sun rose it was scorched,
and it withered for lack of roots.
Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.
But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit,
a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.
Whoever has ears ought to hear.”

Emily's Journal: What Defines Your Life? ✍️

CF, history, journalEmily DeArdoComment

Font image that reads, “The following is a journal entry from Emily that is being shared with permission from her parents. This is a look into her unfiltered thoughts about her outlook on life and how she wanted to be defined... “

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I read an article about a girl with CF (Cystic Fibrosis), and here are my comments:

I don’t want this to define me. If someone wrote an article about me, I want it to be about my voice or work or something awesome I’ve done - not my CF. It would be like writing an article on my blonde hair. I want my legacy to be my library, my wit, my work, my music, my laughter, my friends, my pictures, my relationships, my loves. I want to be remembered for my fortitude, my talents, my love of God, children, self, my self-reliance, my respect of others, my love of life and not the fact that it may end too soon. Defeats and circumstances are not a legacy. The life ones lives IN SPITE OF THEM is my legacy. That is what I want to live forever - these words, not the fact of my life. My spirit. My heart. My life, defined on my own terms and lived my way. Free. Without apologies. Passionate. In love with life. And with no excuses or borders…just my free, passionate, gifted, willful, personal self. Just me.

Emily Michele DeArdo.

That’s me. A daughter, sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter, best friend, friend, writer, musician, confident, EAI member, Catholic, devout, actress, lobbyist, politician, collector, debater, singer, lover of all the life that God above gives me to live. God is so good to me! I am defined on my own terms and by my own words.

I am so much more than this page (her journal) can contain. I am a daughter of God and I live to do His will. I am loved and happy and unique and passionately in love with life. I want to drink it, absorb it, eat it! All of it! Even the “bad parts.” Nothing is bad - all of it is part of the mosaic of life. Life is to be lived as richly as possible until we go to live with God forever. How happy that will be! Life beautiful, wonderful, fabulous…and I don’t ever want to be told otherwise. My life is mine and I love it! CF is part of it, to be sure, but it doesn’t define me. I define me! And, oh, how I love life!

“You have to live the
life you’re given,
and never close your eyes
you hold on, and stare into
the skies, and burn against the cold!
For any moment
you might find the gold!”
- “Gold” by Linda Eder

How true! How true!

Font image that reads, “While you read, did you think about how you’ve been defining your own life? Have you been limiting yourself or letting others label you and your potential? In the wise words of Jane (aka Nightbirde)...”

Quote from Jane Marczewski (aka Nightbirde): “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore…before you decide to be happy.”

What You do with Your Years (Anniversary Edition)?

transplantEmily DeArdo2 Comments

Battling Your Circumstances with Joy and Gratitude

Emily always said she was grateful for every additional day of her life that her double lung transplant back on July 11,2005 gave her. She wrote about it constantly, in fact, she wrote a whole book about it that was published in 2020.

Today would have been her 19th lung transplant anniversary, but since she has passed on from this life (and is completely healed praise the Lord!), we wanted to inspire you as a reader to think of how powerful her story really was and continues to be. She was not supposed to live to see 24 years old, but with her lung transplant, she far outlived her prognosis. And boy, did she live and love life! This blog entry from 2015 tells of all the moments Emily was so grateful to experience and witness with her extended lease on life. It’s important to also note that Emily’s donor Suzanne was very dear to her because she knew for one to live it meant one had to die and she never forgot to thank her and her family.

An image of Emily on the day she was being released to come home from the hospital post surgery.

If you’ve never seen this 5-minute video from Nationwide Children’s Hospital that covers and overview of her journey from diagnosis to receiving her double lungs transplant surgery, please take a moment to watch and hear about how pivotal this moment that brought hope was in her life.

Emily’s outlook on her diagnosis did not relegate her to living her life in a lesser way. In fact, it propelled her into pursuing things she was more passionate for (like writing her books and blogs) and enabled her to grow deeper in her relationship with Christ. She even wrote this article a little over a year ago talking about the blessings and hardships of transplant patients that is a transparent look through her perspective and the facts.

Text image that reads: We spend out. We don’t hoard our time or resources. We invest them in people, in loving others, and in community.

So the real question is, knowing we all have breath in our lungs today and the precious gift of life, how does God want you to live your years? Not many of us will go through a transplant like Emily did in our lifetime, but if you’ve accepted the gift of Salvation, then you’ve gotten a spiritual transplant.
Consider Romans 6:8-11 below:

8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. 11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

So what should we do with this renewed life on earth that extends into eternity? Maybe love our families and friends well and making the most of our time with them? Give generously of our time, talents, and treasures to others? Live each day like it’s our last on this earth and tell someone about His amazing gift of salvation? Or maybe all of the above? Everyone’s journey through life looks different, but the focus should always be on Christ and furthering His Kingdom through gratitude and love - something Emily did well.

Absent in Body, Present in Heaven ❤️‍🩹

Emily DeArdo3 Comments

Emily’s headstone finally arrived on May 22nd and it’s given an earthly finality to things. Her final earthly place is situated between where her father and mother will be buried, but in heaven there will be a beautiful reunion in the Kingdom that will never end.

Always believing that every day was an extra day beyond what she was ever supposed to live with cystic fibrosis, Emily had at the ready a written order of how she wanted things done at her funeral. She thoroughly listed everything she would like for her service. You can see her love for scripture (especially Isaiah passages) and hymns. We encourage you to dig into the Word and read those passages she held so dearly.

Below are a couple offered tributes that her father and her current “ghost writer” wanted to share as encouragement that God is there in the midst of suffering, even in the little moments, and that God’s the author and finisher of our lives.

A Moment of Reassurance
(from father, Carmen DeArdo)

“When she was in the ICU and it was not looking well at the end, it was the middle of the night and I was walking around the hospital and they had this Robo coffee machine so I went over and I entered Emily‘s name as the person for the order and I ordered a coffee. They gave me the option of having some message written in your coffee, which was the last stage of the process of the choices you had. There were Christmas designs of Santa, reindeer, those kinds of things, and of course I really wasn’t in the mood for anything cute so I skipped that step and just ordered the coffee without anything on top. When the coffee was being made, I noticed it went to the stage where it was gonna put some message on the top and I was surprised because I hadn’t ordered one and then I was shocked when I saw what the message was because it sounded just like something Emily would say.

So even though she was no longer with us in terms of consciously being with us, she was still communicating with us and I think that’s the same for now. Maybe it was just God’s way of reassuring us she was in good hands.

Even now that he headstone is officially in place at her grave and we visit her, we know she’s really not here. She’s in a better place and she’s still with us spiritually. until we are reunited in heaven with her.”

Finished in Heaven
(from Megan Krueger)

“Emily’s father, Carmen, asked me to help him continue her blog in January and I honestly didn’t know if I’d be able to be of much help when I started. I unfortunately never got the opportunity to meet Emily (although I had heard a lot about her and the DeArdo family from her father when I worked with him), but I was always amazed at her ability to have a positive spin on what was happening to her and around her. She has only continued to inspire me, like so many others.

She was bright in both attitude and intelligence and I could see her passion in the many videos, podcasts, and writings I’ve gotten the pleasure to include these last 6 months. She really did allow Jesus to work in her life and use her to her fullest capacity here on earth. 

And yet, I still feel her work isn’t finished. She’ll still continue to impact others for years to come every time they read her books, writings, listen to a podcast or watch her old videos.

This portrait sketch  is a reminder that what’s not finished on earth, or what appears to be not quite complete like Emily’s time on earth, has been completed in heaven. Made perfect in our Savior’s loving arms and with a timeless clock that never runs out.”

Pick up a copy of Emily’s book:
Ave Marie Press
Seton Shrine

Past Moments of June ✍️

Emily DeArdoComment

Can you believe we’re more than half way through June already? It’s amazing how time can move so slow and so fast at the same time. While looking through some of handwritten journals and former blogs posts from Emily, we came across som gems.

Past blog entries:
This Moment of June (June 26,2017)
Heart Note (June 7,2020)
This Moment of June 2 (June 26,2023)

Click on the images of Emily’s journal below to read her handwritten theme with quotes from Laura Ingalls Wilder and an encouraging Bible verse. Her musings on life are pure and simple, but also powerful, and we encourage you to take some time to meditate on them with the Lord. Life doesn’t have to be full of busyness and packed schedules all the time. It’s in simplicity and gratitude that we can find peace in Jesus.

If you have trouble reading her handwriting, the transcript will be typed below the images.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all.

The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and to have courage when things go wrong.

Home is the nicest word there is.

As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common, every day lives for which we should be grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort And our hearts with gladness - just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breathe it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.

The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to be known to God. And the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Memorialize the Present

family, holidaysEmily DeArdoComment

Memorial Day is the day we take time to honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country (for our USA friends that is) and gave their lives so that we could and can remain a free country. We probably all know someone who has served and we might even know someone who has died in the line of duty. All of these people had dreams beyond the battlefields, but they put them aside for the good of the country they loved. 

We hope you’ll remember this today and have an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude. No country is perfect, but we have been blessed with so much.

Emily had her own Memorial Day traditions that she shared in this post.

She always cherished the little moments and valued people in her life. Even rereading Jane Austin books every summer and getting to dip her toes in the pool (her nieces share her affinity below) were what she considered worth a mention. 

Emily’s nieces sharing her love of the pool!

How many of us can truly say we are living? Some of us wake up and choose to take on the world loudly, some quietly one moment at a time, and some of us are physically awake, but bare minimum for the definition of “living”. 

We hope as you read Emily’s former post you gain a renewed drive to be present in the ordinary moments in life. Life is short; we all know it, but we tend to push it out of our minds in exchange of desire for the big moments. But truly, tomorrow is never guaranteed so please start memorializing the time you have with your family and friends, enjoy each other’s company in the moment, and don’t stop making good memories. 

So teach us to number our days, That we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
- Psalm 90:12

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers and Godmothers!

Emily DeArdo1 Comment

Emily’s baptism, on May 9, 1982, was an extra special gift as it fell on Mother’s Day, which her parents were thrilled to celebrate for the first time.

Pictured: Baby Emily on her baptism day with her parents.

Even though Emily’s dream to become a mother was never realized, she delighted in being a Godmother and Aunt. As you can see in the following photos, she adored when she got to spend time with them and that poured over into her blog more times than we can count.

Pictured: Emily with her godchildren and nieces. From left to right: Ryan, Patty, Maddie, and Hailey

We want to leave you this post from Pope John Paul II to ponder this Mother’s Day.

When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” 27 And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home.  - John 19:26-27

Pick up a copy of Emily’s book, “Living Memento Mori”:
Ave Marie Press
Seton Shrine

Welcome to the Family Jude!

family, photosEmily DeArdoComment

Baby Jude wrapped in Aunt Emily and Aunt Sue’s baby blanket.

Emily’s nephew Jude entered the world last week!

When his mom Melanie called and said his birth weight was 7-13 (7 pounds 13 ounces), we realized  that this was the exact time that Em was taken up to Heaven (7:13pm) and was no coincidence.  Clearly Emily was at work at his birth!

The banner photo above is of Jude in the blanket that Emily had started for him (which was graciously finished by her Aunt Sue in St Louis) marked with a yellow heart.  It’s easy to tell that his older sister, Maddie (picture below), is already much taken with him. The family is doing well and adjusting to being a family of 4 now. It’s well known how much Em loved her nieces and godchildren (and babies in general),  and we are sure that she is enjoying watching over her first nephew.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’ ” - Matthew 18:1-3

Happy Birthday Emily! 🎉

Emily DeArdoComment

Emily’s 1st birthday with her mom and dad (left), Emily’s last birthday 2023 (right)

Emily has said for the last 18 birthdays of her life that she knew were a gift from God because she wasn’t supposed to live past 23 because of her cystic fibrosis diagnosis. But instead of worrying about what birthday would be her last, she made her circumstance and journey into an inspiring testimony for so many others. She wrote and published books, did speaking engagements, and was ever present and active in her faith and church. She didn’t let her circumstances define her or succumb to fear of when her life in this earth would end - she lived like each day was her last.

In Emily’s book, Living Memento Mori, there is a section she wrote called “Headed to Heaven” (pg. xix-xx) in which she addresses the suffering faced in this life compared to the joys awaiting us.

As you remember Emily on this day, here are 2 verses that give us hope, not only in Emily’s new body and renewed mind, but for all who have repented and believe. The first is assurance of being with God after death and the second guarantees God’s plan and Jesus’s return!

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 5:8

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. - John 14:1-3

Past Birthday Blog Posts

Here are birthday blog posts she wrote over the last few years and all you can do is smile when you feel the joy and thankfulness she had for her life.

Good Friday, Easter, and the "Upside Down Kingdom"

Emily DeArdoComment

“Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

Emily also wrote a beautiful post about her thoughts on Good Friday in 2016 that can be read here.

Think about what an “Upside Down Kingdom” Jesus presented by His life! Instead of coming to earth in full power and glory on a white horse with an army of angels in tow to take the world by force, He came as a vulnerable baby, born to a young mother who the world thought had stepped out on the man she was betrothed to and was born in a stable for livestock. He came not to show His power, but to show the world the heart the Father has for us through His life and ministry.

Then 33 years later, He knew His time had come to fulfill the words given to the prophets of old. He had just spent the evening showing His disciples what it meant to be a true servant leader (He washed their feet). He shared His last Passover meal with them even though He knew in a few hours one who betray Him into the hands of those who hated Him and most of the others would abandon Him. He spent hours praying in the Garden of Gethsemane for His Father’s will to be done, to the point of sweating blood, while His most trusted disciples couldn’t even stay awake to pray. He was betrayed with a kiss by one of His 12, had to heal a servant’s ear when Peter reacted too quickly, was lied about before and by the Sanhedrin, stared into the face of Peter when He was denied by him 3 times as He has predicted, had His skin shredded to pieces by a whip swung by eager Roman guards, was exchanged for the release of an insurrectionist murderer, was found guilty without justifiable reason, He was spat on and mocked, stripped of His clothing which was cast for lots, had a crown of thorns forced upon and pushed deep into His skull, carried a cross up a hill on His torn shoulders in complete exhaustion, had large nails driven into His wrists and feet in which He was hoisted into the air to tear more flesh to gain a breath, forgave a thief and welcomed him into paradise with Him, gave His mother to John to take care of, was pierced by a spear, given a sponge of gull and vinegar offered as His last drink (a mixture to dull His senses that He refused)…and still in His final moments He looked out into all the world and asked the Father to forgive them.

An Upside Down Kingdom indeed.

Emily was born on Good Friday in 1982 (April 9) and graduated to heaven right after Christmas in 2023. Last year, Emily did a special reading from Isaiah on her 40th spiritual birthday , which you can watch here (6:00 minute mark). Her beginning of life and death were opposite of when we celebrate the birth and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s quite incredible in the way that He brought Emily into the world on such a day and brought her back to Him on the latter. As someone who was a writer and appreciated poetry herself, Emily might even find it poetic.

The beautiful and amazing thing about Good Friday, a Friday that should be named anything but “good” considering everything that occurred, is that Jesus saw Emily when He made the journey to the cross that day. He saw her sin and suffering, just as He saw yours and mine. He knew the suffering she would endure in her time walking this earth and He knew what you and I would face as well.

We all know that the story didn’t end on Good Friday! In God’s “Upside Down Kingdom”, the story doesn’t end at suffering and death, but with Resurrection. The gates of hell could not prevail and Jesus’s perfect sacrifice obtained the keys to our salvation and the curtain of the temple that physically and metaphorically symbolized our separation from God was torn in two! Praise to our Heavenly Father that also in His “Upside Down Kingdom” we can obtain His gift of Salvation through our faith and submission to Him and enter His presence. This is what Easter is all about.

“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. “- 1 Peter 1:3

Lent Week 6: The Blessing of Giving 👈

LentEmily DeArdoComment

Mother Teresa said: “if you do something, and I do something, then together, we will do something beautiful for God.”

Here are some global income statistics from in 2023 to consider:

  • The average global personal income is $9,733 per year.

  • The average global household income is $12,235 per year. (zippia.com)

  • The median per-capita household income is only $2,920 per year. (zippia.com)

  • Making over $100,000 puts you in the top 10% of global earners, while making over $1 million puts you in the top 1%. (zippia.com)

  • The minimum wage in Bangladesh is set to 1,500 Bangladeshi taka (BDT) or 14.62 USD a month. (skuad.com)

When we saw those number all we could say was WOW. Have you ever stopped to consider how truly blessed you are? Maybe you’re not a millionaire (or maybe you are), but we all have something or some way we can give to others. Whether it’s a donation to an honorable charity, sponsoring a child or family in need, volunteering of time to a food bank, helping an elderly person run errands, volunteering to help at church events or any number of God-honoring acts, the Lord will be pleased by your offering to Him. And have no doubt, our Father is faithful to provide for all His children and He loves when we have a giving heart.

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Lent is the perfect season to consider making changes in your giving. Consider how your obedience to God in being a cheerful giver will have a ripple effect on the lives around you. It’s good to wisely budget your money, but Matthew 25:35-36 tells us the truth behind the heart and actions of giving. It’s in these acts that we bring a tiny glimpse the Kingdom of God down to earth here and now.

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ Matthew 25:35-36

May whatever you have planned to give to the Lord and to others be a holy and pleasing offering to the Lord. May He fill you with strength and his protection as you grow closer to Him.

Lent Week 5: The Heart of Prayer ❤️🙏

LentEmily DeArdoComment

“He (Jesus) also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and regarded others with contempt: ‘Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax-collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, was praying thus, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like this tax-collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of all my income.” But the tax-collector, standing far off, would not even look up to heaven, but was beating his breast and saying, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.’” (Luke 18:9-14)

We’ve all read Jesus’s parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18, but we want you to read it this time from the perspective that you are the Pharisee. Now read it again with the perspective that you are the tax collector.

How did each perspective about prayer make you feel? What was going through your mind as you read from their viewpoint?

The 2nd Pillar of Lent we’re talking about is prayer. Why is prayer the easiest thing for some people to do and the hardest thing for others? Some people pray with a flow like it’s first nature to them and other have more “ums” and “uhs” than they have actual words in them. But you know what? The Father loves them all, whether eloquent or inarticulate. As you go through this 5th week of Lent, remember that any sincere prayer uttered from a soft heart is much better than a hardened heart that speaks none at all.

Emily wrote about different prayers that can are common during Lent and gives resources in this article.

What are your prayers like right now? Are they self-focused or focused on others? Maybe you could start a prayer journal to write out daily gratitudes to the Lord. Maybe you could keep a journal of prayer requests for yourself and others. Or maybe you could do both if you’re feeling ambitious, but start somewhere and let the Lord lead you in growing your prayer time with Him. He loves to be in communion with us.

May whatever you have planned to pray for or about be a holy and pleasing offering to the Lord. May He fill you with strength and his protection as you grow closer to Him.

Lent Week 4: The Mindset of Fasting

LentEmily DeArdoComment

For the next 3 weeks, we wanted to dig a little deeper into the 3 Pillars of Lent: fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. We hope you enjoy past writings from Emily that are good reminders for these pillars, as well as enjoy the additional thoughts to ponder.

So let’s talk about fasting. The image above was chosen because we know Emily would appreciate the fine English aesthetic. :) Now, if were were honest with ourselves, it’s the least “enjoyable” of the pillars for most. It’s giving up our everyday life schedules we are so used to and comfortable with in exchange for going without. It’s an interruption. It’s a disconnect from the familiar. But honestly, it can be downright irritating when we don’t have the right heart and mindset about it!

Emily gave a list of reasons for fasting in this great post from Lent 2016 here.

Here is the summary of her 4 points on why we fast during Lent:

  1. It’s in Scripture (Matthew 4:1-2. 17:17-20)

  2. It’ll show us where we need discipline in your lives.

  3. It will make us grateful for what we have and remember those without.

  4. It will help us recognize our sins.

Take this week to dig into what fasting up until now has taught or shown you about yourself and your mindset. Remember, you’re fasting because you get to focus time on your relationship WITH God, not for making others believe you are so much more righteous than they are or making them sympathize for your sacrifices during fasting. Give thanks to God for this time you get to dedicate to Him!

Matthew 6:16-18 - “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”’

May whatever you have planned to fast be a holy and pleasing offering to the Lord. May He fill you with strength and his protection as you grow closer to Him.

Lent Week 3: Call Outs, Podcasts, and Book Lists

LentEmily DeArdoComment

We hope Week 3 of Lent has gotten you to a place to recognize the things in your life that have been hindering your relationship with the Lord and you’re now working on how to create discipline in your life. It seems that sometimes we fast one thing and still allow other things to “fill in” that time we were intending to dedicate to the Lord. Don’t beat yourself up when this happens once, but don’t let it keep happening with excuses. Let’s all keep a dedicated mindset of discipline to honor God with our fasting, prayer, and willingness to give of ourselves to others (whether time, volunteering or by monetary means).

Callouts, Podcasts, and Book Lists

Emily really loved to root on her friends in their work and endeavors for the Lord’s Kingdom so this week we wanted to highlight some of them and other resources for Lent.

Image of Jennifer Fitz

First, a good friend of Emily’s, Jennifer Fitz, author of the book Lord, You Know I Love You!: A Discernment Retreat Using the Great Commandment. We believe her book will be a great tool in helping you develop better discernment in your life through helpful instruction and contemplative questions. Her blog can be found here.

Jennifer also did a wonderful write up of Emily’s book as well that can be found here.

Second, another amazing conversation Emily had with Katie Prejean McGrady for a Lent podcast miniseries from a few years ago (presented by Ave Marie Press).

Be sure to check out the other 7 episodes in the miniseries, because each author shares their unique perspectives on different Lenten topics.

Tribute image of Emily DeArdo from Ave Marie Press.

And lastly, Ave Marie sent out a wonderful email tribute to their subscribers about Emily (Image above is taken from that email) and we are so thankful for their partnership with her during the last few years in getting the word out about her book to others. We want to return the favor and let you know that they a wonderful Lent resource book list that we think would be helpful to you in this season.

Pick up a copy of Emily’s book:
Ave Marie Press
Seton Shrine

Lent Week 2: Live Life Boldly

Emily DeArdo2 Comments

Bible Verse from 1 Peter 5:10 that says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

We are a week into Lent, and we hope it’s been a meaningful time that has already begun to reveal Christ’s goodness and mercy in your life while you dedicate time to Him.

The following tribute, titled “A Life Lived Boldly”, was written by Emily’s friend Fr. Philip Humbert Kilanowski, O.P. We thank him for his willingness to share such a beautiful reflection of Emily’s life through his eyes in light of the Lent that is upon us. We hope that as you read, you’ll consider your own life and ask the Lord how you can deny yourself the tendency to make excuses while feeling self-pity for misfortunes and instead turn your difficulties into praise. Live life boldly!

She was born on Good Friday.  And it was snowing.  How’s that for an entrance?

Emily always lived her life close to the Cross—as if she was chosen for it.  Her sufferings read like a litany: periodic seizures as a young child, cystic fibrosis from age 11, multiple cases of tuberculosis, a rare virus that put her in a coma for two weeks during college, 16 bouts with pancreatitis, diabetes, a heart condition that required surgery—and I haven’t even mentioned the double lung transplant that, no doubt, extended her life, but also left her with permanent hearing loss and a scar the length of her right forearm.

And yet, once you met her, you never would have known that she suffered through any of this.  She never let any of this get the best of her, and remained as joyful and feisty as ever.  She could hold a conversation using just movie quotes and show tune lyrics.  She would fiercely debate all comers not only in religion or politics, but over who was the greatest hockey player of all time, or what constitutes an authentic Italian restaurant.  She would even casually downplay any trip to the emergency room, and called any overnight stay in the hospital a trip to “the Resort.”

So you may wonder, what made all of this possible?  How could she keep so cheerful and lively, and live her life so boldly, in the face of such great suffering?

Grace. Only the grace of God, the grace that comes to us through the Cross of Jesus Christ, by which we are saved, could enable Emily to have carried all her crosses with joy.  This grace is the free gift of God most high, and through the lens of grace, Emily could see that every day of her existence, as weak and fragile as it was, truly was a gift to be cherished and used well, because God Himself, in the Person of His Son, took on all the weakness and fragility of our human condition to save us from our sins and from death itself, coming into the world that we “may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

And Emily certainly lived the life that she had to the fullest, never letting any setback keep her down.  So her weakened hearing prevented her from a singing career?  She lived out her passion for musical theater with a long string of chorus roles in community theater productions.  So she had to quit her job in the state government after missing too many days of work?  She retired early and started a second career as a free-lance writer.  So she wasn’t able to give her life to God in a monastery of cloistered Dominican nuns?  She joined the Dominican Third Order and lived as an exemplary lay member of the Order of Preachers: teaching the basics of the Catholic faith in the classroom, in her writing, and in conversations with her Protestant friends; preaching the truth of God’s grace with her witness on social media, at conferences, and on Jeopardy!; and making known the gift of God in the only book she published in her lifetime: an autobiography arranged, not in chronological order like most memoirs, not in dramatic order like a Christopher Nolan movie, but according to the Stations of the Cross—as only she could.  And so what if she was never married, and was unable to bear any children—something with which she struggled her entire life?  She showed her love and her intense loyalty to her family, to her godchildren, and to her friends—of whom I am blessed to call myself one.

And I remain forever indebted to her for driving me 100 miles to the Dominican novitiate in Cincinnati to begin my religious life and my path toward the priesthood, at a time when I could not trust anyone in my family to bring me there.  (We got a lot better!)  Emily herself was discerning a vocation to religious life at the same time, and we listened to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in the car on the way there to celebrate this new beginning.  My novice master, upon seeing her, proclaimed, “You had a woman bring you here?  That’s bold!”

We have remained good friends for nearly fourteen years, even if I had to miss her final promises as a Lay Dominican because I was the godfather at my oldest niece’s baptism, and she had to miss my ordination because she was a bridesmaid at her brother’s wedding.  Her prayers have certainly sustained me throughout my time as a Dominican friar, even as I bore my share of the Cross, and even as I administered the Sacraments to her—and no doubt they will continue, for as both St. Dominic and St. Thérèse of Lisieux have said before her, she will spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.

For one who, as the Psalmist said, was “wretched, close to death from [her] youth” (Ps. 88:16), Emily always sought “the things that are above” (Col. 3:1) and overcame the wretchedness of her condition with anticipation of the joy of eternal life.  She could tell that her time in this life was short, even more so lately.  She made her only overseas trip to one of her ancestral lands, Scotland, just this fall, and wrote a brilliant article on her experience with not only her transplant, but also with how God’s providence has worked in her life, this past year, that reads now like a last will and testament.  Even as she checked into the Resort one last time in the closing days of Advent, she faced it with her signature sense of humor.

And so the woman whom I once described as “a radiant soul trapped in a body held together with duct tape,” who was born on Good Friday, ended up dying at Christmas—but she had to wait until the seventh day, because that’s when it finally snowed.  How’s that for an exit?  Emily met her Maker on the same day on which the Church sings the Te Deum in thanksgiving to God for His benefits at the end of one period of time, and on which the orchestra in Tokyo always plays Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony to celebrate the end of the year and mark a new beginning.

And even in death, Emily carries out her vocation as a Lay Dominican, preaching and teaching the Truth who is Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls.  So what can we learn from her, especially now in this season of Lent?  What has she taught us?

First, do not be afraid of the Cross.  The world often says that all suffering is to be avoided, and that a life full of suffering is not worth living at all, but Emily has proven otherwise with the way that she lived her life and shown how God can work great good even through suffering, just as He wrought our salvation through the suffering and death of His Son.  Following her example, we too can offer the pain and misfortune of this world along with the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, for as the Lenten hymn says, “For only those who bear the Cross can hope to wear the glorious crown.”

Second, acknowledge your limitations—and then live your fullest life within them.  So often we hear of people trying to ignore their limits, or trying to be someone that they’re not, but while each of us is limited by our own bodies and minds, and our human nature, it is this same shared human nature that gives us our dignity and our capacity for the infinite God.  Emily demonstrated this with her ability to bounce back from setbacks and find a home, a place in the Church, and a task that she carried out with her writing to build up the Kingdom of God—and to enjoy life along the way.  We also can find how God would like to use the gifts that He has given each of us for the common good, and in doing so to live the most fulfilling life we can, by following the words of St. Catherine of Siena: “Be who you are, and you will set the world on fire!”

Third, and last, while many say to “live each day of your life as if it’s your last,” that kind of saying can often be twisted to encourage unreasonable pleasure-seeking.  Emily would rather say, “Live each day as it it’s the beginning of eternal life.”  For while she was born on Good Friday, she celebrated her last birthday on Easter Sunday, the first and only time in her lifetime that the dates coincided, as if it had to be that way.  She acknowledged all of her life after the transplant as borrowed time, and even compared the event to the Resurrection in her writing, but still acknowledged it as only a shadow of the glory to come, a glory into which, we pray (and for which I have seen signs), she has entered.  But we already have “a pledge of future glory,” in the words of St. Thomas Aquinas, here on Earth: with the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, to which Emily was so devoted, and as God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell within our souls by the grace of Baptism and the other Sacraments.  Truly, eternal life begins here and now, and Emily reflected that truth by radiating the light of Christ from within her.  We can do the same, showing the life of God to those we meet in this world, while keeping in mind that we are meant for a life after death, which is the only way that our lives can be fulfilled.  For in her own words, Emily tells us, “Remember you will die—and then get to living.”

So as we learn from Emily, and as we miss her, let us also pray for her—or if we are so bold, pray to her—that we all may be reunited by the grace of Jesus Christ, who, as we sing in the Te Deum, “overcame the sting of death, and opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.”

Fr. Humbert Kilanowski, O.P. is a Dominican friar and priest who teaches mathematics at Providence College in Rhode Island.  He hails from Columbus and met Emily at a Lay Dominican meeting at St. Patrick's Church, the friars' parish in town, in Lent of 2010, and joined the Order that following summer.

Ash Wednesday 2024: Remembering Joy in Suffering

LentEmily DeArdo1 Comment

Hello everyone!

Knowing how much Emily loved Jesus and spent her time serving Him and spreading her faith, we couldn’t let Lent or the time leading up until the Holy Resurrection Easter celebration pass without doing something special. For this Ash Wednesday, we wanted to share some former content from Emily that we think will bring encouragement and the Lord can use to guide you.

First, we wanted to share archived videos from Emily of her book club commentary on each chapter of her book, Living Memento Mori. These would be great if you’re using her book for a book club or for your individual journey through as well. These are housed on Facebook, so please sign in to access them
(Click the image below).

Click the image to access Emily’s archived commentary videos for Living Memento Mori.

“A life that has suffering can still be a life of joy.”

Emily had a great conversation with Kyle Heimann in February 2020 in which she talked about some of the things she was going through and how her book was her life and not just a book. She wrote it with the hopes of it reaching others facing similar trials or needing some hope. Our quote from the interview was, “A life that has suffering can still be a life of joy.”, and we hope you all can take time to meditate on that with the Lord as we go into Lent.

Lastly, we plan to post more helpful content over the next 6 weeks of Lent up until Good Friday. There will be special messages from those who knew Emily, more videos, and content Emily shared previously. Please comment if you have anything specific you’d like to see touched on in the coming weeks.

May whatever you planned to fast be a holy and pleasing offering to the Lord. May He fill you with strength and his protection as you grow closer to Him.

Emily’s Ohio Senate Recognition (01/24/2023)

Emily DeArdoComment

Senator Tim Shaffer gives a tribute to Emily in the 135th General Assembly at the Ohio State House (January 24,2024).

On January 24,2024, Emily was recognized by Senator Tim Shaffer in a 6-minute tribute to her at the Ohio General Assembly meeting that ended in a moment of silence for her beautiful life and service to the Senate communications team.

You can watch the Senate video by clicking on the image above or the link below (starting at the 22:46 mark):
Link to Video

Below is an image of the Resolution that Emily’s parents received from the Senate in her honor as well. Such an amazing legacy Emily has left behind - we thank God for her life well lived and that it continues to have ripple effects throughout the community.