Emily M. DeArdo

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Maddie: Four months!

May the Fourth Be With You!

Maddie is four months old today! And she’s being baptized on Saturday! Yayyyy! (Her baptism outfit is so cute. I can’t wait to show you.)

Here’s the monthly update:


Cooing and laughing! She likes to talk!

Two teeth are coming in

rolls front to back and almost back to front

loves tummy time (this is a change from HATING TUMMY TIME!)

Holds her own bottle!

Fishy is her new buddy


her chews life rosary!

Caterpillar chair (this thing is AWESOME)

front facing stroller

Duke, their dog (she smiles/laughs whenever she sees him!)

She LOVES being sung to and tries to sing back!

Loves reading, especially Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Looking in the mirror and smiling when she sees hreself

Outdoor swing!

“The Olympics”—mat time. I call it “Maddie Disneyland”:

Find the baby!


Putting her arms in sleeves!

Being hungry (I feel ya, Maddie)

When you don’t let her hold the bottle…..but then she gets mad when it falls out of her mouth!

Monthly photos:

One month

Two months

Three months

Four months!