Emily M. DeArdo

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Won't You Be My Patron?--My patreon is live!

So, after a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to launch a Patreon account.

What’s that?

Patreon is basically a modern-day version of the patronage artists, writers, and other creative folk used to get from the high-powered and wealthy members of society. Mozart had patrons. Michelangelo had patrons. The idea is that to create, you need income—and income isn’t always steady for creators! Especially since you have to buy things, or spend money, to make the art!

Essentially, my patreon will keep things going here. You do have to pay to have a website like mine—it’s not free. Then there’s all the hard and software needed to write, to get the word out, to create, in general. And then I have some medical expenses. The patreon money won’t mostly be used for that, I don’t think, because my insurance is reasonable (most of the time), but sometimes, not so much.

Of course if you are a blog subscriber, you will still get all the goodies you always get: my newsletter, discounts, fun things. Patreon members will get more, but different—it’ll mostly be focused on my creative side—the actual writing, behind the scenes sort of stuff.

I’m calling it Orchard House Studios, after the house in Little Women, and all the tiers are Little Women themed. :) Right now, they range from $3-$20 a month.

If you have any questions, drop them in the comments!