Emily M. DeArdo

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Daybook No. 110: NaNoWriMo 2015

This is not  a normal daybook, guys. It's a quick pop in to let you know that yes, I'm alive, and I'm deeply entrenched in NaNoWriMo 2015.  (NaNo's a worldwide project that challenges participants to write a 50K word novel during the month of November, from Nov. 1-30. It happens every year and I've done it three times, and "won" --reached the word goal--twice.)

Normally I write the word goals for the day and I go on with my day. But this year, I've been sort of captivated by my story and I'm just running with it. I'm close to 40K words, and 50K words is the goal for the entire month. 

I have no idea where these characters are going, or really what they're doing, but they are taking up my imagination a HUGE way. 

So I'm following my own advice and pursing this passion. I'll try to check in here at least once a week and give you updates, especially notes about the writing process, which has been so different this time around. But most of my writing time will be spent on my characters, who are surprisingly me left and right.